Hello Vincent,
On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 1:26 PM, Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net> wrote:
On Dec 4, 2012, at 12:20 PM, Sorin Burjan <sorin.burjan(a)xwiki.com> wrote:
Hello Vincent,
I understand the utility of this for Automated Testing, but for Manual
Testing it will be a bit harder because nobody will want to "downgrade"
their resolution in order to test on the Minimum resolution.
You don't need too. Just install a resizer. On chrome I'm using
I think
imposing such a rule will discourage users to test XWiki.
I don't follow you here. What's the relationship between the resolution
that the xwiki dev team supports and users testing XWiki? They can test on
whatever resolution they want...
By testing I mean
following the Manual Test steps we have.
This plan needs to mention on what resolutions (plural) it was tested, in
addition to mentioning browsers and databases on which it was executed. You
don't need to test on all resolutions obviously but the plan needs to have
various tests on different DBs, OSes, Browsers, Resolutions. You should
propose something.
This could be integrated on the future QA Application (the resolution
thing). About testing on multiple browsers, OS's, DBs the only solution I
have is to make different combinations in order to create various
Sorin B.
Sorin B.
On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 12:18 PM, Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net>
> Hi devs,
> We've agreed on the list of databases and browser we want to support
> couldn't find an agreement on the screen
resolutions we want to support.
> I had in mind the 1280x1024 as the minimal resolution for laptop/desktop
> computers.
> Note that it's important to know this for the following reasons:
> * When we do our tests we should do them with various resolutions but
> especially with the minimum supported resolution
> * This is true for our automated tests (we run a vnc server in a given
> resolution on the jenkins agents) but also for the manual tests done by
> Sorin/Silvia/Manuel and everyone else
> Once we agree I'll post the result on
> Thanks
> -Vincent
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