Hi Silvia,
On Mar 16, 2010, at 11:07 AM, Silvia Rusu wrote:
Thank you all for the feedback. I've changed the mockup to hopefully include
as many of your propositions:
* I think it's best if the users know as they get to the homepage there is a
way of playing with XWiki without installing it. If we were to have one
button that says "Get XWiki Enterprise" they might think they must download
something (I know I would). This may be an extra effort they're not inclined
to make. As a result I've changed "Try XWiki Enterprise Now" to "Play
XWiki Enterprise", which sounds more "neutral" and is a reference to the
* I've removed the events section. However to keep events visible I've added
a link to events in the news section.
* Giuseppe proposed on another topic that we reference testimonials from
XWiki users. I think this is a very good idea. I've added a link to the
testimonials page where people can read what users have to say about XWiki
(this is positioned above the News section)
* To make the site less corporate and more about the community I've
changed/added the following:
- Added the latest additions panel for plugins, applications, etc.
- Replaced "subscribe to the newsletter" with "subscribe to the mailing
lists"; Added a link to read the latest discussions
- Added a "Community Stats" section with a "How do I contribute?"
link under
the stats (this replaces the previous "Events" section).
I hope this proposition is closer to what everyone would like to see on the
homepage and it would be great if you could offer some more feedback.
It's better.
Some more feedback:
* The "Community" tab's name is strange since this the whole wiki is about
the community. We need a name that says clearly it's for the "Developer of
* Subscribe to the mailing list should be next to the Support section above. I think we
need a single support section and the options about what kind of support to get would be
mentioned on that support page.
* I think the home page is now too crowded with too much information. The mockup is
probably misleading in term of vertical space it takes.
* Do we need the "Features" list and the "What can I use it for" on
the home page? Couldn't we have a visible "Features" button just after the
introductory text instead? The idea would be to have introductory text + XE + stats below.
This would allow to move the latest additions in the main page.
* I think like some others that News and Blogs should be merged. We simply should use the
xwiki.org Blog more. I don't understand why they'd need to be separate.
We're progressing!