Hi there,
I'd like to start a overhaul of the
xwiki.org home page + a first
level navigation overhaul.
* Home page = list the different products
* First level nav = the ecosystem panel
* We now have a single product: XE and all the others are actually
modules that plugin into the main products. Hence we shouldn't focus
on other products so much IMO.
* I'd like to view
xwiki.org as a forge of projects. Today our top
level projects are the ones listed here:
* The main page should be more dynamic and show some news and activity
instead of being static
* People are confused by the top level navigation vs the second level
one because they both use panels and it's not easy to differentiate them
* Use a horizontal top level navigation with the following items (from
left to right):
- Overview or Home (the main page)
- Platform
- Projects (when clicked will list all top level projects) - We could
have the list of subproject available as submenu items too (as it's
done on
- Support (when clicked will explain the various ways to get support
including mailing list/forum, irc/jabber, FAQ & listing companies
offering commercial support)
- Contribute or Community (when clicked we'll get
- Playground
This means that the panels on the right will become the second level
navigation and the content will depend completely on where you are on
the site.
* Have some facilities links in the header on the right:
- News
- Downloads (as a visible button maybe)
* On the home page:
- Have a nice diagram of the xwiki platform that shows how XE, XE
modules are positioned on the platform so that people understand right
away that xwiki is a collaborative web dev platform
- Have a Highlight box with XE so that users looking for a full-
fledged wiki can quickly see it and click on it + maybe one featured
screenshot of an entry from the References page that would be
different every time the page is refreshed (this could encourage
people to add references + provide a link to the references directly)
- Have a Featured project box and list 3-4 featured projects (XE, XEM,
XEclipse, XOffice for ex to start with)
- Have some news:
-- latest 5 blog post titles
-- latest 5 code zone additions (all snippet, plugins, macro, apps,
etc included)
-- latest 5 mailing list threads subjects (with links to our nabble
We could not have any second level navigation for the home page in
order to have more space for displaying the elements above.
Big +1
I would also move panels to the left. It's more natural to find links there.
If/when we're ok in term of content maybe Cati (or anyone interested)
could provide some mockups of what it could look like.
PS: Let's not get bogged down with details at this point. I think
what's important is to make progress and refine later on. What's
important is that we agree on the broad lines at this stage.
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