leave others. The big problem is that the
importance of the fields can be
subjective from one person to another.
A agree to this. Yet there is some possible questionnements about an other
--- Usability design is always soooo made of crossed constraints. I'm sorry
to come and make questionnements after a five minuts look on something you
have balanced hours. Experience show that cross creation with users and
other designers is always enhancing designs. Yet it stays a long process of
agregating partial points in the main-designer global vision so if it is
something you have already seen and balanced don't loose time, just tell
when it is in conflict with another point. ;-) ---
So, what is freigntening me is that the number of elements and the
altenances field-name/field-content may make it diffcult to scan the list.
Since users generally start looking for informations in scan mode it can be
a limitation.
By removing the "first name" and "last name" fieds (*since this
is already at the top*) we can limit this.
Yet the question wich appear next is how to differentiate the name and the
surname ?"
Just imagine someone named :
"Gerolino Cadroli Madoree Plalerma"
Having the name in bold/little stronguer can be a point :
"Geronimo Cdroli MANDOREE PALERMA"
(in bold or best in capitals with the accents)
There is a code wich says that the name is stronguer writtenend than the
surname. Yet we have to check the relevance of this code worldwide before
using it.
I would like to check the relevance ot this, is the code available
somewhere ? (I'm sorry I'm not a dev so I'm a bit lost in using svn)
About my comments about the "contact" part just forget it for the moment.
There is a separation wich makes it ok with a 3 points lists. (we could do
other things wich would create other constraints so I think the value is too
2009/11/5 Ecaterina Valica <valicac(a)gmail.com>
Can I make a sugestion to symplify the fields ?
Just removing semantic indications that are not mandatory
We need some kind of consistency - we can't just remove some indications
leave others. The big problem is that the importance of the fields can be
subjective from one person to another.
-- John Martins --
(remove name from list since it is already at the top ?)
It's at the top because there is a way to enter that information in the
profile's form. I wanted to keep the position of the fields the same in
mode and edit mode. So if we make some fields disappear in one view, this
can lead to some confusion.
(maybe put the username a little stronger than
usersurname to make sur
differentiate for foreign names ?)
I don't think we need to more differentiate some fields from the others.
They are already in categories. The field's name are descriptive enough
to produce confusions.
Description :
(first, as a personalized, more "eye
contact" part ?)
Hello, I'm an IT engineer !
I'm found of XWiki !
Departement : Technology
Office : XWiki Nantes (new office ^_^)
Contact :
+ 33 (0)6 32 49 34 23
Site :
In modify mode, maybe put the aditional semantic needed in grey in the
I'm not sure I understand what are "aditional semantic" . You mean the
field's name?
I prefer to keep the photo near the name. More coherent in semantic. (so
people ++ make link with name and face)
I know that it may be not evident with the list. Because of blank space
Tabs Vs List : Tabs is theorically more
structuring and immediatly seen,
yet, yes, I like the list more. It lightweight the structure.
The UserTabs are still work in progress. Thank you.
Does he have the ability to control the resize and the centering?
Not for a first version I agree (unless we use a
library that does
it). However for the future it's a UX thing.
I agree to say it is an UX thing because users may hate to have a bad
cropping of them photo.
I think it become good UX only when transparent in most of cases
crop proposal being ok on most standard photos +
just upload - show the
photo (can re-crop if needed) - validate).
Thank you Thibaut for all your feedback :)
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