Hello. I'm registered to myxwiki as *albalv* and I would have an
''instance'' of xwiki mostly to develop and test velocity and groovy
dynamic pages. I think that *albalv.myxwiki.org* will be perfect if
it's possible.
If you have any question, please reply to this message. Thank you a
lot for this service.
- Alberto Alvino
I'm trying to extend wysiwyg editor with a new menu item or toolbar icon.
Here are the steps I'm following but the new menu item doesn't appear in
1) i copied ImporterPlugin java files to my project and modified package
2) i modified plugin name in SomethingPluginFactory and menu item name
in SomethingMenuExtension.
3) i export classes to a jar and copied to lib xwiki folder.
4) modified macros.vm and put in plugin and menu parameters the name of new
After restarted xwiki and couldn't see the new menu item.
Do I have the jar in the correct place? Do I need to tell xwiki to enable
the use of this "new" jar?
Marco Pinheiro
Hi all,
Is it possible to execute a velocity code on my entire wiki?
I want to disable comments-attachments-etc for users without editing
rights, but keep it visible for people with editing rights.
Thanks to Ricardo I found this code at
#set ($showcomments="yes")
#set ($showattachments = "yes")
#set ($showhistory="yes")
#set ($showinformation = "yes")
#set ($showcomments="no")
#set ($showattachments = "no")
#set ($showhistory="no")
#set ($showinformation = "no")
I put it in a single page and it works perfectly, but I want to use it
for my entire wiki and obviously do not want to put a velocity script
in each and every page.
I hope someone can help me out !
Thanks in advance,
I see in Java API attachment.getComment() but i did not see any field to enter a comment
on an attachment in GUI.
How to enter comment on attachment ?
I have activated mandatory comment option on page edition, and i would like to do the same thing on each
Is there any solution for that ?
I am under XWiki Enterprise 3.0-milestone-2.34501
XWiki is a great job !
Thanks a lot
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I don't know if the tag cloud suffers from the same escaping problem as
the activity stream. Kevin, feel free to figure it out! I don't have time
to do so right now, I'm sorry.
Wouter Boasson (MSc)
Geo-IT Research and Coordination
RIVM - National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
Expertise Centre for Methodology and Information Services
Contact information
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t.a.v. dhr. Drs. Wouter Boasson
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E wouter.boasson(a)rivm.nl
mo - th
Disclaimer RIVM
I'm working on setting up a wiki for a development group, and we're having
some issues with the Lucene searching. The two main problems are that
attached files are returned in the search results (usually all images are
shown before the page), and searching for the page title (even exactly)
doesn't usually return that page as the first result. Do you have any
suggestions for fixing this?
Hello all,
Pretty new to xwiki here running 2.7 from war. Just trying to figure
some of the basics out.
I'm wondering how to list the pages that are under a space. Is there a
macro for this? Is there a gadget that will do this?
What I'm looking for is something like this[1] under the "Documents in
space Skins" heading.
[1] http://incubator.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Skins/