Can I use the code given in example in the Mail Sender Plugin in another
Panel that will develop for the particular use of the XWiki site of my
company rather than using the whole plugin.
Is there any trouble with that ?
And even if this plugin is deprecated ?
Thanks by advance,
I am using the video Macro
All goes well, but I would like to display the video on the right side
of the page, are there any align attributes that work? I tried
dividing the page in columns, but when the video is displayed in hte
right colum, it does not reach the right border of the page. My goal
is to have text on the left of the page, and the video on the right
side next to it.
Ideas anyone?
Thanks in advance,
have a two questions about Panels
1) How can I make the panel default display "collapsed"?
2) Is there any logic in where you define the display of panels
- in the admin - presentation ; attributes, show left panel = true, left panels, show right panel= true right panels
- panel wizard, but although the setting is show left column
- the admin, per space
- panel wizard, per space
What is the best place to learn understand panels, the do's and do not's?
My problem is that am having difficulties predicting what will happen, some panels can be displayed in a certain space while not in another?
I am trying to download the Google Document Viewer Macro from the extensions
however the download link still refers to the old code wiki (as in many
other extensions). Where can I find the installation file?
Vito Impagliazzo
Please consider the environment before printing this email.
The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise 3.0 Milestone 2.
Go grab it at http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/Main/Download
This is the second milestone of the XWiki Enterprise 3.0 version. There
will be a third milestone, the last, in about three weeks in which we
hope to introduce a dashboard editor and support for XAR handling to the
Extension Manager.
The highlights of this release are:
* Full UI redesign of the administration application
* Experimental filesystem attachment storage
* PDF export improvements
* WYSIWYG content editor bug fixes and improvements
* More standardized UI forms
For more information, see the release notes at
-The XWiki dev team
Hi everyone,
As users, I'm wondering what you'd think if we were to drop support for IE6 in the XWiki Enterprise 3.X cycle. Would that be a huge problem for you?
The reason I'm asking is because supporting IE6 costs us a lot in term of extra development time and by dropping it we could be faster on other stuff.
Note that this is just me asking, there's no plan about this at this point in time, I'm just curious to have some feedback, especially since support for IE6 has been dropped for lots of services and software out there (including Microsoft).
Hi community,
As previously announced, today is a Bugfixing Day, and everyone is
welcome to participate with bug reporting, patching, or issue cleanup.
The rules are simple:
- First try to synchronize on the IRC channel (#xwiki on irc.freenode.org)
- When closing an issue, add a "bugfixingday" keyword to it, so that it
can be correctly assigned to this group effort
- The status is available at
Have fun!
Sergiu Dumitriu
I would like to know if is it possible to know if an user is in a group with
use of "isUserInGroup" but when I do the test in a virtual wiki and the
group is in the main wiki?
For example, in the main Wiki, I have the "TestGroup01" with user "Toto"
inside, then I would like to test in the virual wiki "WikiTest"
So, I tried when the group is the virtual wiki (then it works) with:
but I can't do when the group is in the main wiki and dunno if it's possible
or not.
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Test-in-a-virtual-wiki-if-an-user-is-in-a…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Dear xwiki-community,
Thank you for helping me sofar, getting my XWiki up and running. This
weekend I noticed that I could not login from my home computer. Here's what
I've found out:
Loggin in from a computer within the same network works; logging in from a
different network fails, resulting in the following error in xwiki.log:
2010-12-06 11:26:24,663
[http://tcs.dcc.ru.nl/xwiki/bin/loginsubmit/XWiki/XWikiLogin] WARN
xwiki.MyPersistentLoginManager - Login cookie validation hash mismatch!
Cookies have been tampered with
I have the following authentication settings in my xwiki.cfg:
xwiki.authentication.validationKey=<set to random string>
xwiki.authentication.encryptionKey=<set to random string>
I'm running XWiki 2.6 on Tomcat6. Thanks for the help.
Best wishes,
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/WARN-xwiki-MyPersistentLoginManager-Login…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.