Is there a way to avoid showing pages such as "Watchlist hourly email
notifier" in the "Recently Modified" panel on the wiki? I'd like to
avoid showing, in the "Recently Modified" panel, any "system page" (for
lack of a better name... ), i.e., pages that are not normally edited by
a user.
E.g. my Recently Modified panel currently shows
* Watchlist hourly email notifier
* Watchlist daily email notifier
* Data Source Implementation Questions
* jpascual
* Skin
I'd consider all but the middle one "Data Source Implementation
Questions" to be "system pages" that aren't interesting to the typical
Mark Wallace
Principal Engineer, Semantic Applications
Modus Operandi, Melbourne, FL, USA
Annotations extension didn't work. It is not translation even though I put
AnnotationCode.Translations in XWiki.Preferences.
It accuses annotation.action.create.form.loaderrorUnauthorized when trying
to put annotations.
Can anyone help me?
Erica Usui.
I discovered a hard to find HQL/SQL error related to the new
ActivityStream (V2.6.1). Sometimes the activitystream did not display at
all, with loads of threads dumped in the log.
The problem appeared to be related to specific documents, having a '
(single quote) in the document's name. Besides this, the problem only
appears when displaying the pages belonging to a specific tag. More
specifically, when the automagically crafted HQL to select the document
contains these specific names, so the problem did not show up when
displaying the Activity for the entire wiki, for example.
Took me hours to find and solve it, but it's a matter of minutes to repair
it. The solution: escape page names.
In the Activity page, edit object mode, go to the Activity Macro
(something like <mywiki>/bin/edit/Main/Activity?editor=object)
look for the macro code, and change line 168:
#set($filterClause = $filterClause + "'" +
$colValue.replaceAll("\'", "\'\'") + "'" )
This effectively replaces a single quote with two single quotes, which is
the proper way of escaping for HQL.
But, altogether, I'd love it when all these obviously problematic
characters were simply banned out from the technical/URL document name,
this always generates hard to find problems.
Good luck,
Wouter Boasson (MSc)
Geo-IT Research and Coordination
RIVM - National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
Expertise Centre for Methodology and Information Services
Contact information
VenZ/EMI, Pb 86
t.a.v. dhr. Drs. Wouter Boasson
Postbus 1
3720 BA Bilthoven
T +31(0)302748518
F +31(0)302744456
E wouter.boasson(a)
mo - th
Disclaimer RIVM
This is what is happening... When creating (or importing) a panel in my
xwiki farm, and trying to set it at a Space panel layout, the panel which is
actually set is the previous one, in the list of panels.
For example, when I create a new panel with category "information", and
trying to set it as my panel at a given Space, it saves the action normally,
but the one I see in the Space is "Stats Panel".
Why is this happening? I didn't have this problem previosly...
Can anyone help me?
Erica Usui.
I added on
link for my own tutorial about XWiki Installation: XWiki On Windows -
GlassFish - Oracle (Russian).
It is not finished yet at all. I planned also to describe LDAP configuration
and external DB connecting configuration. Also, I will translate it to
English and Romanian languages.
I have a question. If you will open this tutorial - you can see that all
text inside macroses {{code}}, {{info}}, {{warning}} looks not good. On my
personal laptop all is ok. Why? I seen some other installations of XWiki
with same problems, and I cannot find way to resolve this problem.
PS. Also, any comments, questions and suggestions about this tutorial is
Thanks beforehand
Eugen Colesnicov
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Hi all
I need to be able to attach Word 2007 templates (.dotx) on pages, but when I
try downloading them in IE8 they download as zips full of xml files. I
tracked down where this is held in xwiki>WEB-INF>web.xml and towards the
bottom of the file there are mime mappings and I notice the one for .dotx is
I tried adding
but that prevented my wiki from working (DNS error), so how can I alter the
file to get .dotx files to download as .dotx?
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I may be being particularly dense here, but as a relatively new user of a
myxwiki account, I don't understand what tasks I need to perform to get my
wiki aligned with the latest upgrade. As a result I am getting a number of
pages with embedded text, such as "This configuration cannot be displayed
because it was last edited by
doesn't have permission to edit this page." I don't want to give up on
xwiki, as I am really pleased with what I have achieved, even though I only
appear to be scratching the surface at the moment.
Any and all help gratefully received.
Hey everyone, I have two quick questions:
What are the max/min dimensions of the user profile icon?
Also what is the size that it gets re-sized to in the activity stream?
Thanks in advance,
The wysiwyg editor configuration document, at least for me, was difficult to
comprehend. I was looking for a way to center tables/text/images on my
xwiki, but failed to get the result using xwiki syntax2. So, I wanted to add
the justifyleft, justifycenter, justifyright and justifyfull buttons to the
wysiwyg editor, so my users don't have to use wiki syntax. I found that the
syntax in the templates/macros.vm file is completely different from what is
described in the configuration document, but still understandable. So I
added the buttons in the following line:
#set($ok = $parameters.put('toolbar',
$xwiki.getXWikiPreference('wysiwyg.toolbar', 'bold italic underline
strikethrough | justifyleft justifycenter justifyright justifyfull |
subscript superscript | unorderedlist orderedlist | outdent indent | undo
redo | format | hr symbol | paste')))
However, after service restart the wysiwyg editor is unchanged. Can someone
help me out with this?
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