It was Jan Kodera who posted Nov 25, 2007; 06:34pm:
> Hi All,
> i want use database list class as property in my class. I tried
> hibernate query to fill in values of property. After this, the
> select box was empty.
> I think there is no problem in query (Select doc from XWikiDocument
> as doc) and I filled in value ( and id ( and also
> i filled in which class should hibernate use. (XWikiDocument). I
> dont know, what I am doing wrong. Is there some tutorial for this?
(found, with a partial answer on Nabble:
I also wanted to have this... namely... to be able to list all the
values of the property prop of each object.
I tried, running XWiki
- for a property fromList, of type database-list-class
- I tried leaving all to default except adding class-name
XWiki.MyClass, id-field-name xId and value-field-name xValue
- then tried to create an object using the default sheet: this gave a
hibernate exception, namely, that a comma is too much before the from
(the whole query is provided in the log)
- I re-edited the class, removed class and fields and replaced by the
query with the query removed:
select idprop.value,valueprop.value from
com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument as doc,
com.xpn.xwiki.objects.BaseObject as obj,
com.xpn.xwiki.objects.StringProperty as idprop,
com.xpn.xwiki.objects.StringProperty as valueprop where and obj.className='XWiki.MyClass' and and'xId' and and'xValue'
and that worked!
Boy... that was convoluted but this seems to be a very very very
precious feature of XWiki which I would like to write a readme about.
Is there an issue reported about this ?
And, indeed, as Sergiu and Brandon indicate in the answer of the mail
above, it is highly non-trivial to understand that there's an
alternative between class,id,value and query. So I would also suggest
to write this in the page (as simple text).
PS: I only saw answers of Brandon and Sergiu, was there other?
for some reasons I am missing a few documents in my xwiki instance
and would like to upload them from source. But I can't seem to find a
way to upload the XML files, only XARs (and don't know how to pack a
xar yet).
I know I could view the XML, unescape the needed part, and paste into
the web but that's very awkward.
thanks in advance
I've just installed xwiki 1.1.2.war on Tomcat connecting to a mysql. This
works fine, but there's almost no content - editing webHome fails and so
does access to "administration", so I need the default content.
It says that I'm supposed to use the import / export
but the link to administration doesn't work in the installed wiki.
How do I proceed?
Morten Matras
GAMP Media og Blob Communication ApS
Svendsagervej 42
5240 Odense NØ
Tlf: 61711103
E: morten(a)
T: 76 654321
E: morten(a)
Greetings fellow xwiki'ers,
I have just installed 1.2rc3 with the default database under linux/mysql/jboss, all is now working a treat! If anyone thinks it is worthwhile I can post a how-to but the instructions in the xwiki uide are pretty spot on now.
One issue though, the blog categories seem a little screwy, there are three News, Personal and Other but they don't display very well in the breadcrumbs, or the category editor in the Admin centre. Can anyone point at why this might be happening? I don't mind fixing it as it helps me understand how it works, but pointer as to what/why would be appreciated.
To reproduce start from a fresh 1.2rc3 enterprise .war and import the .xar go to Admin->Categories and you will see what I mean, hopefully. I have done two seperate server builds and the get the same behaviour, both jboss/mysql, I haven't tried the standalone jetty install though.
I am investigating xwiki as an exercise really, I do plan to deploy it as a public/private site once I have worked it out and re-skinned it.
Thoughts, comments, hellllpppp?
I'm using TWiki. TWiki has this really powerfull formatted search capability
(see Is there an
equivalent to this in XWiki?
An example of a search looks like this:
%SEARCH{ "META\:FORM.*\"TechnologyDomainForm\"" type="regex" nosearch="on"
nototal="on" order="topic" reverse="on"
header="| *Domain* | *Description* | *Status* | *Responsible* |"
format="| $topic | $pattern(.*?Summary[\n\r]*([^\n\r]+).*) |
$formfield(Domain-Status) | $formfield(Domain-Responsible) |" web="TA"}%
You see that I use a regular expression that checks whether a page as the
form with the name "TechnologyDomainForm" attached to it. For all those
pages, it returns a table with the specified header and some values: the
topic name, some content from the page, and some form field content.
Thanks for your support!
1, looks like FAQ application does not work. I tried to add one question (to
not forget URL themself):
but after adding FAQ is not accessible from main page.
2. link's from existing FAQ question: 'What is space' point to nowhere.
3. I can't find User Guide from documentation page. Only presentation and
videos. (So, I was able to found xwiki syntax reference only by google search).
Ruslan Shevchenko
Some strange things with access rights: to read a blog entry, user
must have an admin rights. Otherwise XWiki displays a message "Topic
XWiki.ArticleClassSheet does not exist". I know I did something
wrong, but don't know what :). Maybe any ideas?
Ar cieņu, Mihails
>I don't understand the need for this in the platform since it looks to
me a bit too specific a need (unless I don't understand something).
>I'd rather we have something more generic that encompasses this use
case. I may be mistaken though.
I agree that this might be a tad too specific to implement as a core
feature. But the extension point for radeox plugins (e.g. ImageMacro)
could be improved.
I implemented my ImageMacro in the com.xpn.xwiki.render.macro package
and copied the class file into the WEB-INF/classes directory to make
sure the classloader picks *my* class. Alternatively, I could have
edited the META-INF/services/com.xpn.xwiki.render.macro.XWikiMacro file
inside the xwiki core jar file. Neither are elegant ways of extending
the ImageMacro (in my case to support custom privileges).
The most beautiful extension point would be a property in xwiki.cfg that
lists the (custom) radeox plugin classes so users can
disable/extend/override/add certain plugins. I believe this could be
easily implemented inside the com.xpn.xwiki.render.macro.MacroRepository
This is driving me nuts. Any suggestions or guidance is appreciated.
I have the following config:
Java 1.5.0_13 and
Jetty 6.1.6 and 6.1.7
MySql 5.0.44
I can verify that Jetty runs properly by deploying a couple other
webapps to it. I can verify that the xwiki war is good. I can verify
that my MySQL works.
In fact I can follow the installation instructions for Tomcat+MySQL
(Tomcat v6) and everything works fine.
However, when I run the same installation procedure in Jetty I see the
app come up, but I can't keep my user cookies (superadmin activated) to
do anything useful. There is no logout in upper right and I have no
ability to edit the wiki via the upper left menu (I can only show). I
do not have permissions to do many actions and after uploading the web
wiki xar I have no Admin rights, no ability to see that I'm logged in,
I've tried this on two separate Linux machines with every combination
available with same results.
The logs show....:
241 [main] INFO org.mortbay.log - jetty-6.1.7
389 [main] WARN org.mortbay.log - Unknown realm: Test JAAS Realm
2407 [main] INFO /xwiki - Loading plexus context properties from:
2410 [main] INFO /xwiki - Initializing Plexus.
2410 [main] INFO /xwiki - resource =
2677 [main] INFO /xwiki - Plexus initialized.
3472 [main] INFO org.mortbay.log - Opened
3508 [main] INFO org.mortbay.log - Started
10258 [btpool0-7] WARN org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils - No
FormBeanConfig found under 'view'
10502 [btpool0-7] INFO com.xpn.xwiki.cache.impl.OSCacheService -
Initializing OSCacheService
on jetty startup and then a ton of the struts FormBeanConfig WARNINGS
below for view and skin:
18421 [btpool0-7] INFO -
active: 0 (max: 50) idle: 1(max: 5)
18516 [btpool0-6] WARN org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils - No
FormBeanConfig found under 'skin'
18520 [btpool0-6] WARN org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils - No
FormBeanConfig found under 'skin'
18520 [btpool0-7] WARN org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils - No
FormBeanConfig found under 'skin'
18525 [btpool0-6] WARN org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils - No
FormBeanConfig found under 'skin'
18525 [btpool0-7] WARN org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils - No
FormBeanConfig found under 'skin'
18526 [btpool0-7] INFO com.xpn.xwiki.web.SkinAction - Skin file
'/skins/albatross/table.css' does not exist
I see no other WARNING's in the logs except the struts form bean
configs. I also imagine that the skin file errors are caused by struts
misconfigurations as well.
Hope I've provided enough information - the log file is very long. I
believe Jetty 6 doesn't like the struts configuration, but am out of
ideas about how to go further.