there is a problem with the blog macro (Blog.Macros) when content length
is greater than 400 and there is an html open tag right before the 400th
E.g. content from position 390 to 428 is:
"This <div class="foo">is a test </div>"
9 0 1 2
3 4 4 4
In this case the code below will insert
"[...]This <div "
as blog entry which destroys HTML formatting.
This is an excerpt of the blog macro code:
#set($content = $bentrydoc.display("extract", "view", $bentryobj))
#set($content = $bentrydoc.display("content", "view", $bentryobj))
#set($i = $content.lastIndexOf(" ",400))
Is there a way to get a local copy of xWiki UserGuide, DevGuide, AdminGuide?
I know I can mirror site :-) but I need documentation only.
Jeroen Baten schrieb:
> Could you please send me this script for adaption to mediawiki?
I'd put my perl snippet here:
It would be nice if someone can provide an adaption to this snippet to
import MediaWiki documents.
Hi Kyle,
If you are looking for the Table of Contents, there is a toc macro already
available with XWiki. Just put
#toc("" "" "")
at the beginning of the page and it will generate the toc. More details
kschlap wrote:
> I would like to borrow something from how wikipedia orders their pages
> with a table of contents section at the beginning of each section.
> However, I don't know how to create in page hyperlinks. I would like to
> be able to click on a link then have it bring me to a section of the page.
> Does anybody have a tutorial of how to do this, or is it easy enough you
> can just tell me? Thanks for any help.
> -Kyle
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/I-page-Bookmark-tf4496575.html#a12824126
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of
XWiki Enterprise Manager (XEM) 1.0 Milestone 1.
XEM is a special wiki (based on XWiki Enterprise) used to manage a
farm of sub-wikis. It has an interface to create new sub-wikis from
templates, delete wikis, view all created wikis, etc. Basically it's
meant to implement the feature previously known as "Virtual Wikis",
but as a product and with a UI.
Features in 1.0M1:
* XEM install page (XemManager.Install):
o Update XWikiPreferences with all application
translations pages bundled with XEM
o Create the default wiki template based on XE
* All Wiki Manager 1.0 Milestone 1 features:
o Create new empty wiki
o Create new wiki from template wiki
o Create new wiki from XAR file
* All Application Manager 1.0 Milestone 1 features:
o Create new application descriptor
o Delete application descriptor
o Export application based on XWiki Package internal plugin
o Import application based on XWiki Package internal plugin
o Support applications dependencies
o Children wikis can reference documents located in the
template wiki, thus preventing content duplication and easing
o Support translations documents
For more information see the Release notes at:
-The XWiki dev team
I solved this issue in a different way. If I add an object Xwiki.Tagclass, even if one already exists, then he error in the panel disappears. Quite strange, but for now (I am still testing) good enough for me.
I even managed to add the Xwiki.Tagclass object in de Login page which was rather difficult.
De disclaimer van toepassing op e-mail van de gemeente Den Haag vindt u op:
That did the trick. My version number is displaying just right now. I had about 6 files too many. Seems I mess up pretty bad, during upgrades. I blame the fact that I want to keep to many files afterwards.
Perhaps thats why my tagcloud gives errors sometimes. I'm gonna do some cleaning up.
De disclaimer van toepassing op e-mail van de gemeente Den Haag vindt u op: